The beauty of life’s adventure captured in a photo

As an adventurous nature photographer, I embark on journeys to capture the untamed beauty of remote landscapes. Fueling my passion for storytelling, I also find joy in photographing people amidst breathtaking surroundings, merging human emotion with the awe-inspiring power of nature, creating captivating and unforgettable images.

Let's Connect

“Nature never goes out of style”

A little about me


I’m Courtney

Growing up, it was my dream to live in Colorado, where dreams ascend to new heights, and the spirit of adventure finds its home. I have made this majestic state my home and love sharing the mesmerizing images it provides.


Nature and I.

In nature, I find solace and a connection that transcends words. Whether the sun is shining or the clouds are unleashing a fury of storms, there is no place comparable to the immense feeling of completion I find when in nature.



Since I couldn't find the words to describe my connection with nature, I grabbed a camera. And since a picture is truly worth a 1,000 words, I have found a way to communicate these breathtaking moments and scenes through the view of my lens.


Interesting Fact

I have hiked 19 of Colorado's highest peaks - 14'ers. I also had the amazing opportunity to backpack on the Inca Trail for 4 days to arrive at Machu Picchu! Hence the name Corner Seeker- I'm constantly seeking out new corners of this earth!